Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I love Spring.  We have been enjoying our two weeks of fantastic weather before hell exhales its fiery breath upon Arizona's streets. 

I spent my spring break freakily OCD cleaning my house, refurbishing furniture, making random crafts, and definitely not drinking too much. 
Here are my "new" chalk labeled jars.   I LOVE THEM.

Stephie bought me Flowers:)

Larry, Nadia, and I have been keeping active riding bikes, rock climbing and I've been running outside any chance I get. 
A couple weeks ago, our good friends Natalie and Francisco asked us to sub in Nadia on their Tee Ball team.  She finally got a chance to use her pink baseball glove she got on her 2nd birthday. 
Lil Sophia

Las Girls

Natalie showing Nadia how to Bat
After game Snack

The kids were adorable, and they looked like scattered ants on the field.  All the dads line the edges of the "field" (It's probably the size of our driveway) to make sure the kiddo's don't escape.  Larry did a really poor job of watching first base because he kept getting business calls on his bluetooth, so I took over. I was surprised how they asked me where they had to run EVERY TIME.  haha.   But it was all good.
The lil Nugget was sure excited to play, until some speedy boys kept beating her to the ball.  She threw a couple fits and felt bad for herself but after some coaching from Dad, she got over it pretty fast.  (*Note* Coaching from dad translates to threatening and bribing, yes you can do both at the same time, it's a skill you acquire through trial and error parenting)

The next day I had a deep desire to go rock climbing, so I dragged Los Whiteys with me.  Nadia was pretty awesome! She gets so frustrated and it's obvious she has her fathers competetive traits.  After a couple hours we were all beat, and walking around like we had rhumatoid arthritis in our hands, and it was time to go. 
*Tooting my own horn here*  I climbed a rope! I haven't climbed a rope in probably 15 years, but I've been lifting alot of weights and I am strong enough to lift myself up a huge rope! It was really empowering :)

Go Nadia Go!

Our good Friend Pavan got married- and our bestie Kelly flew out from Kentucky for the Traditional Sekh Indian Wedding.  Larry and I were amazed and in AWE of the beauty of Indian culture.  Pavans family was so welcoming, and offered their home  to us.  It was truly beautiful and we were very appreciative to share in the experience with them. 
Awful pic of us!

Reunited and it feeels so goooooooood.

Us and the beautiful bride at her Henna Party
We wish them both the best! 

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