Sunday, June 26, 2011

Santa Barbara

I was born and raised in the OC- meaning Orange County- for those of you that don't watch shows based around teen angst. 
I moved here 10 years ago (Wow- TEN years ago)- If I hear one old lady joke, I swear on my Michael Kors shoes I will find an awful picture of you and post to Facebook, Don't tempt me. 

Living in Arizona has it's perks.. I should say the first is my husband and stepdaughter- but other than those two crazies, there's some fun stuff here. 
It's quite clear to me that my siblings make poor choices and they decided to move to places like San Francisco and Santa Barbara - haha- what could those cities possibly offer?!?!!

My Hubby surprised us with a weekend trip to see my sister as my school year ended. 
So Los Whiteys took off to Santa Barbara in the beginning of summer.. and it was Amazing..
Our goal was to relax, hang out with the bride and groom-to-be, and of course EAT. While we were there we listened to a reading from Dave Sedaris- who is by far my favorite Greek Gay from New York and we attempted to keep the kid out of the ocean.  Obviously, that was an impossible task.
These series of pictures were taken the day we were "only going to look at the ocean"  we were definitely NOT GOING TO GET IN IT.
Score: Nadia 1, Parents 0

I just can't get enough of the hand holding pictures.
Benicio and Noli: Year 1.

You may remember that in December of 2009 I saved a doggy from being run over- and when I brought her home on that Friday afternoon, and called the Humane Society they politely told us that they were closed and to bring her in on Monday.  "
Okay, I can explain this to Larry- he won't mind- it's just until Monday." I said to myself.
I took her to the Vet that night and the vet said. "SHE'S PREGNANT" 
"I'm sorry.. what?"
"She's Pregnant, and she'll probably have her babies this weekend"
[Insert faint followed by a tequila shot before I have to explain all this to my husband, at the time- Fiance]

Well, she had puppies in my house, the next morning, on my new rug.
 Did I trigger some memories.. Remember that? I sure as hell do, because it almost cost me my marriage.. especially after the Humane Society said they couldn't take newborn puppies.. So i kept them- for 8 weeks.

Well, two of the babies lucked out and went to live in SB with my sister and her BFF fo' life, and Man of Honor Extraordinaire, Jon.

Noli and Benicio are enjoying their life in Santa Barbara being spoiled, privately trained,.eating organic food and having limited mobility of their legs.

 On Saturday we took them out to the park and I managed to get a couple photo ops of them together. 
Noli- My sister and Future Bro in laws baby.
Benicio- Jon's Baby/Noli's Brother

Happy Family
Bestest Friends

Jon and Benicio

Noli playing dead.
I don't care how tough you are.. that's cute.
In Santa Barbara you can get a mango in a park! 

We spent some time going to visit the Biltmore Santa Barbara where Maritza and Travis' Wedding Extravaganza will be on New Years Eve- we walked down to look at the beach and of course Nadia just couldn't resist the oceans temptations. She got down to her skivvies- yes, she wears spiderman underwear.  (Listen, people- we are a modern family and we don't particularly care about societies gender roles)

Jon Wang was there to supply the entertainment, and throw seaweed at 4 year olds.

Shell Hunting
Larry is holding up a Jellyfish he found.

Honey, please don't throw me in the ocean. NO SERIOUSLY.
Yeah Yeah, the ocean is pretty- But look at my awesome hat!        

I smell a Christmas Card
It was awesome seeing my family, hopefully we'll be able to see them soon. 
Thanks Santa Barbara for having us.. here's a couple extra pics of some other fun stuff we did.

Smartass 1 and Smartass 2.
My sister is just too pretty!

What a handsome group of boys.

Someone was cold after the dip in the ocean.

This is where I had a heart attack.  He really drove her around in this.  AND we belted her to him using Travis' belt- which then gave Travis a complex.

Until Next Time Friends,  

Los Whiteys

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