Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cartagena round 2

Happy Thanksgiving! I cant believe I'm not eating turkey today..or pumpkin pie.  Someone out there needs to save me a slice! Right now we are all sitting in a Cartagena airport waiting for our flight back to Bogota.  We spent three days and two nights here which I think was quite enough.  Poor Larry is/was sick, and he's been taking it easy for the past couple days.  I have a strong feeling that his tummy hurts from the cheese..which is unfortunate BECAUSE THEY PUT CHEESE IN EVERYTHING. Even chocolate milk. Not kidding. It's tasty too. 
Yesterday we went to the beach and learned to kite surf.  That's no easy feat.  I decided I wanted to practice on the sand and was wearing shorts.  Now I have a pretty nice booty short tan that runs right across my thighs.  Horizontal stripes do nothing for my figure.

  Larry was laughing his ass off at me because the sun here turns my skin black.   Not a golden undertone like in the states, I am dark, dark, dark brown.   

We recovered from the adventure and then rode a Chivas Rumba which is really just a large open air bus painted in clown colors and they have all you can drink rum mixed with grapefruit juice. Delish.  We rode around Cartagena with a live band and sang and danced wit them.   At one of the stops there was a guy who was taking donations to hold his sloth. OMG do I want one now.  That sloth was the cutest damn thing I've ever seen and all he wants to do is hug and cuddle.  He needs a little deodorant though, he kinda stunk.  

Larry was so sick, not drunk sick either..cheese sick, and we had to go home after the rumba bus because he needed to sleep. So our night ended a little early last night. 

  Today we got up early and it was a little overcast.  We ran into town to shop (duh) went to the beach and into the historical area.  This area has a city built of walls to protect them from the Pirates in the's actually what Pirates of the Caribbean (the ride)was based on..pretty cool.   It feels like captain Jack is going to come walking down the street and a woman is going to pop out of the second story window and shout "don't be chiiiiiiiiicken" (Disneyland reference)

So while we are out alone, in rained. Not drizzled, not stormed, amazon jungle rained.  It was awesome.  We almost almost almost took a boat to a small island to play around, and couldn't make the takeoff time. That ended up working out in our favor because we would not have been able to get back because of the downpour.  It was so bad. 

The whole courtyard cleared out so fast. These storms come without a real just starts. So we got stuck under an eave. It would have been nice to be stuck in a cafe, but it didn't work out like that.  

Not the best pic, but whatever. 

We got stuck next to the town crazy, who took it upon himself to clean the streets (very kind) and the take a shower under the gutter waterfall. Not kidding. And we have it on video.  

When we stopped laughing and the rain stopped, I bought this guy a coconut, and we cheered together.  He was so much fun.  

Larry decided to celebrate Turkey day with a feast. 
Chicken nuggets taste the same here.  Funny he has to eat fast food in order to feel better.  Something is wrong with that.  
He is really enjoying his meal. Haha. Gods light shone on his McDonald's. 

The storm and humidity inspired a new look for me.  It's called the electrocution.  Like it? 
This picture was actually intended to show the LARGE cappuccino I ordered.  12 oz. haha. I almost ordered two! But the real star is obviously my great hair.  A little love for my locks from the equator.  

Now at the airport we just ate empanadas because they were made of flour and Larry can handle that, but not corn. (we think) I only ate half of mine and Larry ate the rest and the rest of my I hope this plane ride goes easy.  Cross our fingers for me. 

It's time to board now! Have a great holiday and we will be home soon! 

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