Tuesday, March 22, 2011

oops. I did it again.

It's funny that I start all my posts with an apology about how I don't post often enough.  Well you know what, NOT THIS TIME BUDDY. 

New commitment: Once a week posts? Is that too much of a commitment? That means I have to take pictures that often, and have something interesting enough to post. I'm committing to once a week, done and done. 

On with the actual reason you come to read my site: Nadia! 
So this chickadee turned 4(!) last month.  I can't believe it! By her attitude you would think she was a bitter 50 year old divorcee, just kidding....but not really.  4 comes with alot of attitude, no tantrums, not even that much whining, pure WWF style attitude.  She wants what she wants and when she wants it, and for some reason  she has inherited a head bob/wiggle and shake when she talks, with a coordinating hand on hip move- obviously not from any of her adoring, seemingly perfect parents.  It must be from one of her grandparents.  It's really cute- like raise your blood pressure, near fatal heart attack- kind of cute.

I'm really just glamorizing parenthood for you all- she is a pretty good kid- and she has gotten FUNNY.  Not a typical four year old kind of funny, that's too immature for her, and geniuses don't joke like that, she's witty- and has some pretty good timing.  For instance, in the car with her the other day she says "When is Daddy going to die?"
 What the hell do I say to that? So I go for the most nontraumatic response "When he's really,really, old"
Nadia: "Oh, well he is really old right now"
Me: "No he's not!"
Nadia: (Laughing)"Yeah he is- he has wrinkles and no hair"

Oh, that kid. Hilarious.

So anyways, back to her birthday.  We decided to take her to Disneyland. WE includes, Larry, Me, Stephanie and Stephanie's "Best Friend" Megan. We looked like one big happy polygamist family, and their Latina Nanny, (We all know brown people aren't polygamists.  We're too fiery to deal with that.)

Nadia hacked it the whole day, without a nap, break or tantrum. Last year was really hard because she was so little she wanted to leave at 1pm.  This year we got our monies worth.  We went on a monday, and didn't wait anymore that 15 minutes in line. It was awesome!
Blah, blah, blah, here are the pics.
It's so funny how much they look alike!

Nadia dressed up like a princess to go-
 then got sick of her outfit halfway through

Megan! Nadias really been into crossing her eyes lately.

I really wanted this hat!


The best corn dogs ever.


Minnie looks pretty cute!
 We forced nadia to take pictures with us at the end of the day- and note: we all look like crap- and nadia was into jumping all over us. 

The worst picture ever taken, on one of the best days ever.

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