Thursday, January 27, 2011

As Promised..

As a newly married couple we had our first holiday at home.  And it was stressful.  I didn't realize how much work it takes to have so many people over for the holidays, not to mention how anxious I was because I JUST COULDN'T KEEP THE DAMN HOUSE CLEAN BECAUSE OF THOSE DAMN DOGS.  phew.  Apparently I had been holding that one in for a while. Aaaaaaanyways.

 My family is amazing and I especially owe my mother a HUGE thank you because she was washing dishes as I was getting them dirty- she really is a helpful mom. Thanks MOM! Love you!
So it was all managed to get done, we had so much fun, and I really love all these people in my life. 
We ate outside since the weather was just perfect.  And also because our table outside fits many more people than our high top inside. .. but really because the weather was perfect.

Extreme Christmas!!

My sister encouraged us to take a 50s picture. so we did.  Larry really is drinking a jack and coke, and I was so busy cooking I don't have any make-up on.

Our spread.  Yum!!
My mom was in charge of bringing the Tamales, and we had garlic mashed potatoes, parmesean roasted cauliflower abd broccoli, strawberry-pecan salad with homemade balsamic dressinga, biscuits, corn souffle....

Larry's famous ribs!! These ribs LITERALLY turned me from a vegetarian to a meat lover.  I had not eaten pork for about 4 years until he made me try these.  and they were dang good.

Shirley and Lesley

My favorite people :)

Larry, Shirley, Mom, Dad and Omar (we missed you Jenna :( )

On Christmas day.  Nadia was such a good girl this year santa brought her roller skates, (even though she wanted snow).  She took them right out for a ride.

A few days later, after I had been explaining to Nadia that it didn't snow in Phoenix, we looked outside and saw snow flurries.  We grabbed our jackets, and she grabbed her snow boots and ran outside to catch snow on our tongues.  When the snow finally stopped she looked me straight in the eyes and said.  "I told you Ana, I TOLD YOU IT WAS GOING TO SNOW."  Well, you're right kid, you did tell me.

Until next time,
Los Whiteys.

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