Saturday, January 22, 2011

Yeah, I know I SUCK at this!

It is definitely time to update since my LITTLE BROTHER in San Jose had to remind me to post.  Got the hint, bro.

For christmas we had the WHOLE family over, (The next post with pictures in a couple days, I promise.) that was a great time and really made me realize how much family means to us and how much we miss seeing everyone all the time :)

Ok, ok, sentimental stuff over.   Right after New Years, the youth I mentored 3 years ago had her baby boy! So I am a grandma- haha.  I'm super happy for Maira and Manuel and know they are going to be great parents to little MJ.

Here's little baby MJ- smiling and just 5 hours old

I didn't want to hold him, but Manuel pretty much forced me to.  So this is my nervous smile. 

The happy family.

It's amazing how baby's smell so great- he is so soft and he has the cutest little cheeks. I love him! Can't wait to see him again!

Nadia's been really into hats- she's got quite the collection too.  I think she bears a resemblance to Sean White in this particular hat.
I took this picture when we were sitting in the back of my car.

When we were at breakfast the other day, the waitor must have gone out to grow and raise a chicken because it took so long.  Nadia was in need of being entertained, and I was more than willing to do so, because there's nothing better than starting your day with "No Fair! You are being mean to me!" haha. Joys of Step parenting. So I let her play with my very expensive, extremely sentimental camera.  Anything to appease a hungry three year old.  If you don't understand why I did that, you will later.
So little Annie Leibovitz took these pictures of us.  I think she's fostering a secret talent.  

I like how it's incredibly obvious that she can barely see over the table. 

Really attractive. I know.

I've been working on my photography, and let me tell you- taking pictures of preschoolers and dogs is not the best place to start. 
After about 50 takes I managed to get one good pose with horrible lighting.  But I'll take what I can get.


Last but most definitely not least, one of my bestie's, Angie had her year anniversary of being a mom.  So Happy Birthday Sophia! She had a slammin party at a Gilbert Park and we were all in tow.

Sophia ate her very first piece of chocolate cake and LOVED it!

Nadia and her new friend Ashley.  Hard to believe they are two years apart- Nadia seems like such a big girl now!

Sophie 'Smiling'

Mmm. Chocolate Cake!

I love these two!

There really is nothing sweeter than a toothless grin.

Until next time,
Los Whiteys.


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