Monday, July 19, 2010


This past weekend we went camping.  And by WE I mean, Larry, Nadia, Me, Diesel, and Cash. 
This was Nadias first camping trip, Larry's and I first trip together, and the Dogs first time as well. So obviously it was going to be a piece of cake.

We packed up the Rover, (Larry was especially excited because he had just gotten a little lift on it, and bought some new tires) and threw in the kids.  How did we fit all this in the car?? well.. I should just say Lucky we love each other!
This was our backseat..
This was what we had between us for the rest of the ride :)

We finally made it to Woods canyon and it was PACKED! No campsites, no Forest Roads to go off of- we should have just gone to disneyland.  Luckily the kids were VERY well behaved and NO ONE had to potty while we looked around for a site.  After Calling the Mesquitas- we finally found a spot down in bear Flats- Not exactly where we wanted to camp but it'll have to do. 

We set up shop really quick- and it was gorgeous out! This was taken outside of Payson

We met up with the Mesquitas and Pilatos-
It was their sons CKs first time camping too!

This pic was taken right before they fell and CK bumped his back hard :(

On saturday we went on the hike from hell- mostly because it was 90 degrees out!!

But Cash really enjoyed it.  Diesel is more of a luxury vacation kind of dog- he wasn't super excited about not having air conditioning, or a fluffy bed, or the bugs- I had to spray them with Bug off!
Cash on the other hand was in heaven- as were we- ever since we got him on the sit means sit training he's been an angel- we don't even use a leash with him anymore. 
He was having so much fun expoloring and chasing after stink bugs- and jumping in lakes and streams.  Whenever he dies- i think this will be his heaven. 

Possibly the worst picture taken ever of me- but I love my family enough to post it!

All in all- great trip- but next time we go when its colder- and more north!

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