Monday, July 12, 2010

The Bug, Ice skating in July and the Hernandez's

Larry has finally gotten momentum on the Bug. His Aunt Carolyns most prized possession. I know that he wants to really honor her memory with her car, and he's been putting alot of work and thought into it.. Right now it's stripped and it's getting painted as we speak, we're slowly but surely going to get it done..

In other news, we took Nadia ice skating for the first time! We went with our good friends the hernandez's.. their daughter Sophia is Nadia's Best friend! We love hanging out with them!

No suprise she was not skating around like a professional in an hour. But she's three, so we'll give her a break :)

She was better than her father however- and she managed to stay stable enough longer than he could, though I could imagine most of that is due to his risk taking.

Sophia and Nadia

This funny little contraption to keep them up!

Trying to find balance.

The dads and the girls :)

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