Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Long time no blog!

Well Friends, It's been a while since we've caught up.  My bad!

Things have been pretty busy round these parts- Larry is now working with Keller Williams on the Casa Blanca team.  (Guess who had a little influence on that) and Nadia is rocking the three year old gig really well.  Going to school, peeing in the toilet, playing with Spiderman- all the regular things.
I've been volunteering for Phoenix Youth at Risk, and am now a mentor coach! Yay! I LOVE that program so much!
This is all Blah Blah Blah stuff- let's get to the meat! (That's what she said)

Okay so watching Flipping Out on Bravo, and after talking to my sister- we have found my mothers twin!

Which then had me thinking about the other parts of my family and their dopplegangers.  Okay people let's get started.
My Mom

Matthew McConaughey

Just Kidding!
Nadia actually looks alot more like Kate Hudson- I think. But I think she acts more like Matthew McConaughey

Last But  Most definitely not least- Larry White Jr Looks ALOT like Mr Scheuster on Glee!
Seriously How could I not fall for him! He is so adorable (I'm talking about Larry!)

I just realized it's almost 1 in the morning!
Gotta go to bed!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dancing Queen

We all have our vices, for me it's Limon chips. Yum. Larry likes Chunky Monkey Ice cream.  Stephanie likes boys coffee. (hahaha steph.  Just kidding :)
Well friends- Nadia is addicted to Dancing.
It all started on thursday nights when we watch our tivo'd So you think you can dance- and by we I mean Nadia and I because Larry falls asleep at 4:30.
It was so funny watching her because any time contemporary dancers would get on stage she would just stare in awe. A little while later she'd get up and mimic.
She got so comfortable dancing that she would bust a move anytime acoustic music started.  Didn't matter if we were in a grocery store or in our living room. That little girl can shake it!

We had so many videos of her dancing that I decided to let my inner geek- alright outer geek- fiddle around with some video editing stuff. Voila- here's our little masterpiece!

**P.S. Turn up the sound- nadia sings a little and she's pretty good! ***

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last Summer Days....

This summer has been pretty good to us- for a couple of weeks Arizona got a good hard rain and  almost comfortable weather.  We're not ones to stray from being outside so we took Larry's Father's Day present for a ride.
It was a gloomy looking saturday afternoon, and the perfect weather to spend it riding around phoenix.  I gotta admit- my family looked pretty darn cute!

This is the greatest view!

Because of my awesome photography skills- obviously taken while i was bikeriding. I never got a picture with the cutest girl I know.  So I snagged one in my backyard.

Larry's rover kind of died- so we got a rental car- well.. .. much to my chagrin Larry came home with a Ford Mustang convertible.  Better than a sebring I guess.

Nadia REALLY liked bumping to hip hop with the top down!

Gorgeous rainbow above our house :)

On monday was this little girls first day of Preschool.  Boy were we (steph, larry and I) emotional.  But Nadia could have cared less- she was ready for us to leave.  :(
She had a great day.  On wednesday when I picked her up she grabbed her backpack- her napping blanket and her lunchbox and walked up the ramp.  I asked her if she needed some help and she said..

No- I'm bigger now.

Monday, July 19, 2010


This past weekend we went camping.  And by WE I mean, Larry, Nadia, Me, Diesel, and Cash. 
This was Nadias first camping trip, Larry's and I first trip together, and the Dogs first time as well. So obviously it was going to be a piece of cake.

We packed up the Rover, (Larry was especially excited because he had just gotten a little lift on it, and bought some new tires) and threw in the kids.  How did we fit all this in the car?? well.. I should just say Lucky we love each other!
This was our backseat..
This was what we had between us for the rest of the ride :)

We finally made it to Woods canyon and it was PACKED! No campsites, no Forest Roads to go off of- we should have just gone to disneyland.  Luckily the kids were VERY well behaved and NO ONE had to potty while we looked around for a site.  After Calling the Mesquitas- we finally found a spot down in bear Flats- Not exactly where we wanted to camp but it'll have to do. 

We set up shop really quick- and it was gorgeous out! This was taken outside of Payson

We met up with the Mesquitas and Pilatos-
It was their sons CKs first time camping too!

This pic was taken right before they fell and CK bumped his back hard :(

On saturday we went on the hike from hell- mostly because it was 90 degrees out!!

But Cash really enjoyed it.  Diesel is more of a luxury vacation kind of dog- he wasn't super excited about not having air conditioning, or a fluffy bed, or the bugs- I had to spray them with Bug off!
Cash on the other hand was in heaven- as were we- ever since we got him on the sit means sit training he's been an angel- we don't even use a leash with him anymore. 
He was having so much fun expoloring and chasing after stink bugs- and jumping in lakes and streams.  Whenever he dies- i think this will be his heaven. 

Possibly the worst picture taken ever of me- but I love my family enough to post it!

All in all- great trip- but next time we go when its colder- and more north!

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Bug, Ice skating in July and the Hernandez's

Larry has finally gotten momentum on the Bug. His Aunt Carolyns most prized possession. I know that he wants to really honor her memory with her car, and he's been putting alot of work and thought into it.. Right now it's stripped and it's getting painted as we speak, we're slowly but surely going to get it done..

In other news, we took Nadia ice skating for the first time! We went with our good friends the hernandez's.. their daughter Sophia is Nadia's Best friend! We love hanging out with them!

No suprise she was not skating around like a professional in an hour. But she's three, so we'll give her a break :)

She was better than her father however- and she managed to stay stable enough longer than he could, though I could imagine most of that is due to his risk taking.

Sophia and Nadia

This funny little contraption to keep them up!

Trying to find balance.

The dads and the girls :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Last week when grandpa Gainwell was in town we decided to go to MUD MANIA!

The city of Scottsdale fills a park with mud and kids are allowed to go play! It's really fun- except it got really hot and after you had been in the mud it got really cold.

Here are some pics of the crazy kids in the mud!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Inauguration

Hello friends and family!

So this is our family blog.. because we are so very far away from so many people we love.

For those of you whom we don't know very well.. here is a itty bitty synopsis of our lives.

He is Larry White Jr. Born in Texas, raised in Arizona.. VP of Sales for a real estate company

Handsome, I know.

He is also my husband..

This is me:

I'm a Special Ed preschool teacher, really fun job- but the pay StinkS. And no, this is not my student sitting next to me..

Actually, this gorgeous little gem of a child is Nadia- My stepdaughter, Larry's beautiful baby girl. Well, not really a baby anymore, she's 3.

Here are my little hoodlums on Mud Mania Day in Scottsdale. So much fun!

And who is this? Well, this is Nadia's mom, Steph, who is our great friend. We have an awesome relationship and we both love her.. this is on our wedding day in Rocky Point.

She's fantastic!

So that's a little bit about us.. more to come of course!