Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Good morning Cartagena

Larry has been sick since we got here. Apparently Colombians only eat bread and cheese..but because we generally live Paleo..poor little gringo Larry has had a rough time digesting. :( 
On Monday we spent the day viewing areas in Bogota, after our run in the center of town. I ran about 10k..but the coolest thing is that this park is filled with dogs, owners and dog walkers. The people of Bogota live in tiny apartments and for some reason have huge dogs.  Beautiful ones! And very single one of the 150 dogs I saw were so well behaved! There was a dog walker there with 14 large breed dogs all tied to each other and she took them  to the corner market and tied them to a pole where they patiently waited.  I was amazed.  On my run, dogs were lying in the middle of the grass, leash and collarless, waiting for their master to come back from the run.  No barking..I heard no barking! No leashes or gates in this park and it was surrounded on all sides by streets filled with traffic. All these rules that exist in the US but we are not any more civilized.  

My niece, Marianna, who is 19 gave Larry and I a tour..we walked all day. And me in 4"wedges!  I'm addicted to cappuccinos and have taken the opportunity to try one in almost every coffee shop we've sen.  A girl has got to take in the area :) here they call coffee "Tinto" which means tinted.  And the craziest thing is that their Large is 12 oz! Which I think is the size of Starbucks tall, it might even be smaller.   And you STILL get looks when you order the large! The small is 9oz. 
I think Larry really might be Colombian.  The men here loooove to shop..and on our day long adventure, Larry saw a great opportunity to enhance his closet.  He almost bought a suit! The men here always look dressed up, if you are in jeans, you stand out. Everyone wears ties, dress shirts and slacks, or at last Polo shirts and khakis.  NO ONE WEARS FLIP FLOPS, ever! 
After our shopping extravaganza we stopped to have a Lychee martini and we all got a little tanked. They were really good, but strong. And then we headed over to El Corral For some American hamburgers and fries. So good! I had pesto and roasted red peppers in mine. 
Yesterday we took the shortest flight to Cartagena where I am writing you from now.  This is a small tourist town on the Caribbean side of Colombia.  It has a strong African influence and a party feel.  
This is the view from the airplane when we were landing.  

It's HOT here.  It was 90degrees yesterday and 100%humidity.  Stinking hot. But beautiful. All I want to eat here is fish. I had red snapper yesterday that was as thick as a rib eye. Yummy. 
We took a site seeing tour and learned all about the historical town here that has been around since 1600s. I have been taking a crazy amount if pictures..but can't post until I get back, sorry. 
Okay, I'm tired of writing and need to go on a run before Larry wakes up. We kitesurf today and take the Rumba Chiva (rum drinking and rumba dancing open air bus) after dinner. Here is a view from our room. 

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