Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Long time no blog!

Well Friends, It's been a while since we've caught up.  My bad!

Things have been pretty busy round these parts- Larry is now working with Keller Williams on the Casa Blanca team.  (Guess who had a little influence on that) and Nadia is rocking the three year old gig really well.  Going to school, peeing in the toilet, playing with Spiderman- all the regular things.
I've been volunteering for Phoenix Youth at Risk, and am now a mentor coach! Yay! I LOVE that program so much!
This is all Blah Blah Blah stuff- let's get to the meat! (That's what she said)

Okay so watching Flipping Out on Bravo, and after talking to my sister- we have found my mothers twin!

Which then had me thinking about the other parts of my family and their dopplegangers.  Okay people let's get started.
My Mom

Matthew McConaughey

Just Kidding!
Nadia actually looks alot more like Kate Hudson- I think. But I think she acts more like Matthew McConaughey

Last But  Most definitely not least- Larry White Jr Looks ALOT like Mr Scheuster on Glee!
Seriously How could I not fall for him! He is so adorable (I'm talking about Larry!)

I just realized it's almost 1 in the morning!
Gotta go to bed!