Friday, September 3, 2010

Dancing Queen

We all have our vices, for me it's Limon chips. Yum. Larry likes Chunky Monkey Ice cream.  Stephanie likes boys coffee. (hahaha steph.  Just kidding :)
Well friends- Nadia is addicted to Dancing.
It all started on thursday nights when we watch our tivo'd So you think you can dance- and by we I mean Nadia and I because Larry falls asleep at 4:30.
It was so funny watching her because any time contemporary dancers would get on stage she would just stare in awe. A little while later she'd get up and mimic.
She got so comfortable dancing that she would bust a move anytime acoustic music started.  Didn't matter if we were in a grocery store or in our living room. That little girl can shake it!

We had so many videos of her dancing that I decided to let my inner geek- alright outer geek- fiddle around with some video editing stuff. Voila- here's our little masterpiece!

**P.S. Turn up the sound- nadia sings a little and she's pretty good! ***