Saturday, June 26, 2010


Last week when grandpa Gainwell was in town we decided to go to MUD MANIA!

The city of Scottsdale fills a park with mud and kids are allowed to go play! It's really fun- except it got really hot and after you had been in the mud it got really cold.

Here are some pics of the crazy kids in the mud!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Inauguration

Hello friends and family!

So this is our family blog.. because we are so very far away from so many people we love.

For those of you whom we don't know very well.. here is a itty bitty synopsis of our lives.

He is Larry White Jr. Born in Texas, raised in Arizona.. VP of Sales for a real estate company

Handsome, I know.

He is also my husband..

This is me:

I'm a Special Ed preschool teacher, really fun job- but the pay StinkS. And no, this is not my student sitting next to me..

Actually, this gorgeous little gem of a child is Nadia- My stepdaughter, Larry's beautiful baby girl. Well, not really a baby anymore, she's 3.

Here are my little hoodlums on Mud Mania Day in Scottsdale. So much fun!

And who is this? Well, this is Nadia's mom, Steph, who is our great friend. We have an awesome relationship and we both love her.. this is on our wedding day in Rocky Point.

She's fantastic!

So that's a little bit about us.. more to come of course!